Since the publication of “The Race Car Toby Built” on 26th February, I have been asked by several people where the idea to include the construction of a billy cart in the story had come from. Some of these people were former colleagues and teachers from different schools with whom I had worked in the past.
I explained that back in 2002, I wrote an integrated learning program for my Year 5 class at Huntingdale Primary School. All the normal learning areas were included and were implemented during the term as the students worked collaboratively in groups to construct ten billy carts. It took all of Term Three and the first two weeks of Term Four to complete the entire program of work.
The students learnt new practical skills, like using a range of hand tools, and thoroughly enjoyed doing something completely out of the ordinary. The educational outcomes achieved were of a high standard and were first recognised by the school principal. Then later, by the Western Australian Education Department who wrote an article in its monthly publication “School Matters”, which gave a glowing report about the program and the successful outcomes achieved. A full colour photograph showing some of the completed billy carts was posted on the front page of the paper.
I implemented the identical program with my Year 5 class at Morley Primary School in 2010 and the learning outcomes achieved by my students were very pleasing indeed.
I still have the program that I wrote in 2002, and I would be more than happy to share with teachers, the experience and knowledge I have, of conducting this type of hand-on learning in the classroom.


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